Zero Energy Elevators
Based on energy efficiency and accessibility, NetOlift has aimed
to achieve zero-energy elevation systems which are also safer.

Ecodesign at Orona
To ensure that ORONA complies with its commitment to the
environment, and taking its reference the UNE 150301 standard.

Orona Ideo
ORONA has created Orona Ideo to bring together all parties involved in its innovation network at the same physical location: business, university and research.
Click here to
download Orona
catalogues regarding
our products.
  As experts in managing people flows, we will advise you and provide safe and reliable solutions. We can provide a consultancy service for optimum flow management in all types of buildings.

We can advise on how to specify the optimum lift, escalator, ramp and moving walkway combination, in addition to the most suitable models based on actual environmental and building requirements. We can deploy...